Unapologetically Badass Women Dominating Life
How dare you tell yourself you aren’t capable of doing something! Are there not enough people in this world that will do that for you?! You’re Badass.
I have an extremely bad habit of letting all of the adventures I want to try pass me by. Even worse, I sometimes tell myself that I cannot do whatever it is I badly desire to try. The internal monologue usually goes, “Oh man! That looks awesome. Kudos to those people, I could never do that” or “I wish I could do that, I don’t even see how I could”. Man oh man, I realize now, that I am guaranteed to fail at everything I never attempt to do! I also have come to realize that you first have to be your own biggest fan.
There’s a difference between walking around self-proclaiming to be the greatest to have ever done it, and just being confident and motivated to get things done
If you’re waiting around for other people to cheer you on, or to join, you may be waiting a while. Sometimes you have to be your own personal hype squad, and that’s okay! For a long time, I had the mindset that it was not humble to be vocal about who you are or what you’re capable of. And you know what, I’m calling bullshit on that and throwing it right out the window. Mind you, there’s a difference between walking around self-proclaiming to be the greatest to have ever done it, and just being confident and motivated to get things done. Don’t confuse humble with low self-esteem! One of my favorite quotes is:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us” ~Marianne Williamson
The first time this quote resonated with me, it came with the instructions to “express yourself at a time when you usually withdraw or remain quiet”. Now, every time I get ready to make a move this quote reverberates through my head, like my own personal hype song. It always gets me in a zone to get things done!
I am a mother, runner, PhD student, and volunteer/board member with a full-time career and a desire to be unapologetically badass at all of it. These are my passions, the things that get me going, the things that get me excited. But, I have been known to second guess myself often, and not just when it comes to adventuring. Blame it on being a Libra, I’m uber indecisive!
What I kick myself for is when my initial reaction is to think I cannot do something, knowing I want I could be badass at it. I’ve second guessed my parenting decisions, but Charm and I are killing it. I told myself I could never run a marathon, but did. In the past, I laughed at the idea of running the Dopey Challenge at Disney World, but signed up for it. Without hesitation, I immediately counted myself out of ever being able to qualify for the Boston Marathon, but eventually I will try.
You know what? I’m over it! Over doubting and second guessing! Even more, I’m over asking other people what they think before I make a decision! Gone are the days where I meekly share ideas and goals!
People are always going to be around you telling you what you can’t do, shouldn’t do, how to do it better, or quietly waiting for your failure
I think it’s a societal norm to raise girls to be meek and humble, polite and obedient, pretty and graceful and I am jumping off of that bandwagon! That narrative, alone, creates the mental space that girls cannot be all of those things and still be bold, confident and adventurous. I want that narrative to change. We can all be Wonder Woman, sexy AND strong, dominating “no-mans” land (If you haven’t seen the movie yet, stop what you’re doing and go)! Wonder Woman is the very essence of why you cannot be the person telling yourself that you cannot do something!
People are always going to be around you telling you what you can’t do, shouldn’t do, how to do it better, or quietly waiting for your failure. Which is all the more reason YOU have to be your own biggest fan! And while we are at it, we should do better as women to be fans of each other. I much rather spend my energy basking in the glory of how bright other women are shining and killing it. And if you’re a guy reading this, find a woman in your life and tell her how badass she is!
I recently shared a couple of posts about goals I have set and encouraging you all to set summer goals. I have set a long-term goal to run 50 marathons in all 50 states, and to prepare, I have decided to spend the summer training my mind and body. I’ve learned that running is just as much mental as it is physical. I first have to stop subconsciously doubting myself and change gears to confidently being my own cheerleader.
Every day, make the decision to be your own hype squad. Pep talk yourself. Give yourself some mental reminders that you’re amazing and can do absolutely anything you put effort and your mind into! You may not be the greatest to have ever done it. But if you want to do it, get out there and do it…whatever “it” is!
Dominate life, your goals and your workouts. Go ahead and Dominate at work and school too! You are badass.
Chase your goals. Chase the big goals. Set a goal, then set a bigger one! Find your tribe of people who hype you up instead of encouraging mediocrity!
Be a fan of someone else. There is a world full of people who are quick to tell you how you’re getting it wrong. We all need someone to acknowledge that they think we are on the right track.
“The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it.” ~unknown
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Whitnie Douglas
Truly loved this read Ebony! This is a message that everyone deserves to hear. ???
Thank you Dougie! Relationships like ours mean the world to me! You’re killing it, Dear!!!
Great read and inspiration!!!
Thank You!!!
Great read and inspiration!!!